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Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy


Planet English is developed by IQBar Limited and follows the same ethos as IQBar Limited. We take great pride in having established a culture that is built upon a set of integrated values. We aim to support our students through the courses and ensure they are learning in a safe manner that promotes health and wellbeing. This policy sets out how we will do this. This policy does not apply to our staff and contractors working conditions, as these are covered under our internal policies.


Health and Safety


  1. The Planet English courses are completed online, with students working from their own workspaces. We recognise the challenges of working at a distance and provide advice to our students;

  2. We encourage students to set up appropriate boundaries where necessary between home and learning space;

  3. We promote the use of a comfortable, ergonomically sound chair that will provide back support when learning;

  4. We promote getting up and moving from desks at least once per hour;

  5. We promote good time management schedules that encourage good mental wellbeing;

  6. We provide a virtual environment to allow students to virtually discuss and support each other. These are monitored by staff;

  7. All students will be issued with details on how they can contact our support team when required;

  8. We have a bank of health and wellbeing resources including – how to exercise at your desk, healthy eating tips, mental wellbeing advice, the importance of hydration;

  9. Students do not fall within the scope of our employee H&S compliance obligations, however, we do follow HSE advice.

  10. We encourage all students to complete a "Working from Home" Risk Assessment, however, as we don’t have control over how students operate in their home environment, we are not liable for any risks or liabilities that arise from how a student uses the information that we provide nor any consequences of working from home.


Planet English’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy is fully supported by the Senior Management Team of IQBar Limited and the Planet English Team. Planet English’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy is monitored and reviewed annually.

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