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Exam 📘 Preparation ✅ - What 🤔 Is B1 Preliminary And How 🤷‍♀️ To Prepare For It.

IQ Online Learning

These are the 4️⃣different language 💬skills in the B1 Preliminary.

- Reading 📚

- Writing ✍️

- Listening 👂

- Speaking 🗣️

There are4️⃣4 papers in B1 Preliminary for Schools.

  • The Reading📚 Paper has 6 parts.

  • The Listening👂Paper has 4 parts.

  • The Writing ✍️ Paper has 2 parts.

  • The Speaking🗣️ Paper has 4 parts.

Each skill is worth 2️⃣5️⃣%.

How 🤷‍♀️ can you prepare for B1 Preliminary?

  1. Create a study timetable🗓️ and stick to it​.☑️

  2. Set yourself clear 🎯targets​.

  3. Reward🌟yourself for each target🎯 you ✅ achieve.

  4. Make sure you read👓 English stories 📚 every day.​

  5. Practise 🔁 as much as you can under 🧑‍🏫exam-like 🏫conditions​.​

What 🤔 are exam-like 🧑‍🏫conditions?

Test your knowledge with this quiz!

Helpful ℹ️ ways to study 🧑‍🏫for the exam:

1. Flashcards:

  • Make picture 🖼️ flashcards - Adding pictures to your cards will make them fun and memorable.​

  • Definition 💬flashcards​​ - Adding definitions to your cards will help you remember the words that cannot be described by using a picture.​

2. Create mind 🗺️ maps:

Example of a mind map for studying

3. Make a checklist​:

  • Daily checklists🗒️✅ - These can be used for the tasks you need to complete in a day.

  • Situational checklists 🗒️✅- These can be used to remember the strategies/tips.

4. Keep a notebook📝 ​:

  • Notebooks📝 can be used for dictionaries📖 - you can write✍️ the new words you learn every day 🌞in your notebook with their definitions.​

  • Notebooks📝 can be used as diaries📒 - you can write ✍️ about your day🌞, feelings😥 🤗 and opinions in your notebook. You can also write short stories or poems.​


Take breaks🖐️ every 40 minutes⏱️. It will help you to concentrate 👍better!

Try our new 🆕 B1 Preliminary course!


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